African Curriculum Association

An Overview

Continents around the globe face a lot of challenges as they try to reform and improve on the quality of their education and the African continent is not an exception.

Most of the nations with some common characteristics normally join together to form curriculum organizations to help them to mitigate the challenges that come with curriculum development.

Curriculum is looked at in a wider perspective as a weapon that is capable of changing the way different people view education. African Curriculum Organization has the aim of promoting curriculum development, research, and curriculum support materials development and build synergies among other things.

The idea of creating the African Curriculum Association (ACA) was born during a Regional Seminar on “Advanced Training in Systematic Curriculum Development and Evaluation” that took place in Ghana in 1975 and the approval of its creation by Ministers of Education of the Organisation of the African Union (OAU) ‘s Member States happened during the Conference of Ministers of Education in 1976 in Nigeria.